missionEffective Meetings

"The amount of meetings I've been in - people would be shocked. But that's how you gain experience, how you can gain knowledge, being in meetings and participating. You learn and grow"
Tiger Woods

Studies estimate that office workers spend between 33% to 50% of their time in meetings. Yet many people regard them as too long, frustrating, and wasteful. The ability to plan for and deliver an effective meeting is fast becoming a key consideration in a person's perceived professional capability regardless of their discipline. This workshop will take participants into some incredibly simple but effective techniques to save valuable time, avoid being sidetracked and close a meeting with a whole range of instantly reusable tips. Your group will learn how to set up, conduct, and participate in effective meetings. Students learn how to establish the purpose and agenda of a meeting, facilitate participants' progress toward the meeting goals, improve their leadership abilities, facilitate situation analysis, brainstorming, and decision making, foster creative thinking, manage conflict among meeting participants. Course activities also cover building a positive climate during a meeting and following best practices of verbal and nonverbal communication. All content can be modified and customized according to client's specific needs.

Some of the categories covered are:

Explain the value of meetings as a management tool
Recognize the critical planning step that makes meeting time more effective
Learn to establish the purpose and craft a solid agenda for meetings
Keys and tips on making meetings the best they can be
Lead robust, inclusive discussions
Use tools to focus on the right information
Learn to eliminate groupthink in meetings
Practice techniques for handling counterproductive behavior
Learn the role of leaders in meetings
Selecting meeting roles that make sense
Getting your participants involved and engaged
Keys to getting others to collaborate in the meeting
Following the 7 important meeting steps
Tools for collectively generating ideas and making good decisions
Setting up the meeting room for optimal performance
How to record the output of meetings
Staying in control of the meeting
How to evaluate meetings for continuous improvement
Ensuring follow-up

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