missionExecutive Presentation Coaching

"Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know"
Daniel J. Boorstin

Executive Presentation Coaching is an opportunity to work, on an intensive one-to-one basis, with one of the foremost presentation trainers on the market. The work concentrates on a specific presentation task, in a specific venue, to a specific audience. Each program is individually tailored for each client's specific needs. You will be encouraged to implement what already works about how you present, and develop effective skills and atitudes in your presentation style. The work will be geared to making your presentation vital and alive and to putting your ideas across in a powerful, effective, entertaining and stimulating way. The Executive Presentations Coaching Program helps leaders master techniques for effective speaking and presenting, as well as inner techniques to increase concentration and self-confidence.

Some of the categories covered are:

Conceptual framing and providing context for messages
Assessing audiences to identify stakeholders, determine key areas of interest and appropriate level of detail
Explaining complex and technical material to non-technical audiences
Strengthening use of voice including projection, pitch, tone, pace and inflection
Increasing self-awareness of non-verbal communication
Presenting material clearly and smoothly, transitioning, starting and ending strongly
Applying various mental discipline techniques to show passion, commitment, overcome anxiety and calm nerves
Enable you to better handle what goes on in a room
Highlight how the underlying message effects your presentation
Provide you with an insight into what works about your current presentation style
Encourage you to use 'technicals' as support
Increase your awareness of how to change the dynamic between you and your audience

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Some companies where I have developed and delivered workshops are

Rossano Gagliardi
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