missionSelling Strategies and Negotiation Skills

"There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else"
Sam Walton

Many times clients/customers change suppliers of a product or service mainly due to the dissatisfaction of the human interactions as opposed to the product itself. Essentially, the behavior of a sales professional has an enormous amount of influence on the client or customer's decision to continue or to conclude a relationship. Sales people make several common mistakes when they negotiate. Sales people tend to concede too much,focus on price and not enough on exchanging currencies other than price. Many sales people underestimate their power. This training program focuses on these problems and the practical negotiation skills and techniques necessary to achieve win/win agreements. Participants learn to identify, select, and execute various negotiation tactics and to respond to adversarial conflicts. The Sales Negotiation Skills training workshop can be customized in content and duration, depending on the needs and experience of the partecipants.

Some of the subejcts covered are:

Defining and redefining your goals and objectives
Overcoming a new breed of business objections
How to clearly define your product/service for easier selling
Key characteristics of top performers
Using sales intelligence to quickly assess and develop a targeted sales strategy
What is a Prime Buying Motive and why do we need it
How to develop a winning management culture
Communication/social/buying styles
Value-added selling techniques
The importance of prospecting the right people (decision maker)
Conducting a successful sales interview
The art of "Maieutica", ask the right type of questions
What closing really is (and not is) and how to do it effectively and successfully
An effective 5 step procedure to overcome stalls of objections to increase sales
Getting more referrals to the right target market
Networking as a means of generating prospective clients

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Some companies where I have developed and delivered workshops are

Rossano Gagliardi
Rossano Gagliardi Rossano Gagliardi Rossano Gagliardi Rossano Gagliardi Rossano Gagliardi Rossano Gagliardi Rossano Gagliardi Rossano Gagliardi
Rossano Gagliardi Rossano Gagliardi Rossano Gagliardi Rossano Gagliardi Rossano Gagliardi Rossano Gagliardi Rossano Gagliardi