missionPublic Speaking

"According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy"
Jerry Seinfield

Success in a BIG way in any career requires us to effectively sell our ideas, products, services or proposals to a group or groups of people. You cannot run away from the fact - the higher you go in your career, the more you have to speak and persuade higher or lower level people - as a leader, you have to speak to the people you lead. Participants will learn how to deliver well-planned powerful presentations to groups of people or prospects, conquer stage fright, use humor and imagery for better impact, sell their ideas through the spoken word, and effectively get people to buy their ideas, products, or proposals.

Some of the categories covered are:

What makes a presentation interesting?
The difference between Presentation versus Facilitation
The teaching/learning process
How to make your meaning clear
Turn stage fright into positive energy
How famous speakers prepare their speeches
Developing courage and self confidence
Integrate presentation materials, handouts, and visual media
Enhance meaning via natural nonverbal technique (vocal characteristics, hand gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and other body language)
Mine personal experiences for stories that will help audiences connect
Incorporate humor and emotion appropriately and successfully
Select and handle visuals (slides and other media) that support and enhance the presentation
How to interest your audience and avoid the Death by Lecture
Using Rethorical Devices (analogies, metaphors)
How to use Visual Aids (Powerpoint, Flipchart, etc...)
Taking questions from the floor
Making transition from living room to the public arena
The Public Speaker's Bill of Rights
How famous speakers used their skills to become great orators and persuaders
A series of tools on the art of persuasion will be shared to implement their teaching strategies

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Some companies where I have developed and delivered workshops are

Rossano Gagliardi
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